Pakistan is a mountainous country and mostly covered by mountains, to ranges , Himalaya, Hindukush and karakuram, many people live in these mountains and needs the easy accsess.
the last years 7.6 magnitude earthquake of AJK and part of Hazara, which damaged the personnel properties and resulted in the death of thousands of people, also effected the entire road network with land slides and rock falls and therefore, initially the approach for provision of help in the aria was delayed, in the north the huts or houses exit mostly in the valleys along the nalas or water streams wherefrom they get water, and some have made there houses on the top of hills, insides there living aria peoples use tracks but they needs roads for going out of there arias for travelling to far of places for serving somewhere or doing business. the requirement or roads therefore is very essential for them, all the rocks or slopes or not road friendly as there are numerous weak rock locations, high and near vertical slopes, land slides and avalanches. to take a better care for such adverse situations, a lot of expenditure has to be made to cater for the road constructions, Keeping this situation in view, it is all the more important to acquire the tunneling  technique to plan and construct underground passage or tunnels, were required.

In 1973, Lowari Tunnel Project was taken up for construction, in order to provide safe journey to the inhabitants of Dir and Chitral. Here for years, men and stores including the transport animals have been angulfed by the avalanches and the planed tunnel could really be a boon for the people, the exaction was taken up 2 years laters, but in 1977, the work on the tunnel had to be stopped due to fiscal restraints. In 1990-91, M/S ECIL Prepared the feasibility and design of a rail Tunnel. In 1996-7 M/S SEWCO (Swedish) and PCI (Japanese) reviewed the project design and submitted their study and documents in 1996-97.

Mr. Jehanzeb Khan have the credit of the first ever book written on tunneling, In Pakistan. Contents of the book Include Introduction of the project and tunneling , Geological, aspect, Geophysical, investigation, Geotechnical instrumentation, Tunnel hydrology Environmental aspect tunnel training lectures, new Austrian tunneling Method, safety first and memories. the package includes hard and soft copies both. this document will be definitely an excellent helping hand for the student and people involved in construction. In future it will definitely help the education policy makers regarding tunneling Engineering degree, diploma or certificate courses and to design different tunneling project.

To get/purchase the book, please contact Jehanzeb Khan, Sr. Geologist, Lowari Tunnel, Cell +92-346 9481119 or email at

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